tre aが大事にしてること






tre aは女性が生涯健康な足で人生を歩き続けるパートナーとして寄り添っていける、そんなデザインを目指します。

The “tre a” line of footwear encapsulates these values:


Most importantly, each value is fused with one anotherin every model.

Lasts and footbeds are anatomically and orthopedically developed for women to take healthy, confident strides.

Materials are processed for excellent color reproduction and combined with lavish detailing such as high-grade Italian leather in stunning hues, and eyelets and laces made with advanced technologies, to offer women the joy of continuing to dress in style.

Each pair of “tre a” shoes is designed to be a partner and help women walk through life with healthy feet.


tre aの工房は、アッパーの縫製から木型へのつり込み、仕上げに至るまで全て日本国内で行われています。また、tre aの靴は自然環境に優しいタンニン鞣し(ベジタブル染料)の天然皮革を積極的に取り入れています。熟練した職人たちの厳しい目と確かな腕によって、一足一足心を込めて作られたtre aの靴は、さらに確かな検品を経た後に、お客様の元へと届けられます。


The “tre a” line of footwear is produced entirely at our factory in Japan, from the stitching of the upper to the lasting and finishing.To the furthest extent possible, the shoes are made of natural leather treated with plant-based tannin gentle on the environment.The keen eye and dependable skill of seasoned artisans ensure that each pair is made with meticulous attention to detail before going through rigorous inspection and being delivered to the customer.


tre aの靴は日本人女性の足を研究して開発された木型をベースに作られています。 アッパーには補強芯を施し、カウンター(月型)も最大限に固くする事で、型くずれを防ぎ、より安定した歩行をお約束します。 また設計から生産工程においては、熟練した職人たちの培ったノウハウが随所に活かされ ています。
The “tre a” line of footwear is made on lasts developed through research into the unique features of Japanese women’s feet. The upper is reinforced and the moon-shaped heel counter stiffened to the highest degree possible to prevent distortion of the shoe and promise stability when walking. The know-how of seasoned artisans is infused into every step of the shoemaking process, from design to production.